Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-Thon-Update-Hour 3

Well, I am doing it again! Just like on my last marathon, my first, I get really caught reading blogs and leaving comments. I forget to read my own book and keep reading all those wonderful blogs; the ones I usually follow plus the ones I am discovering. I have read 9 chapters from Chicken Boy, entered a mini-challenge, read blogs and left cheers and comments on many. I am going to have to take an hour off, I am after all a mom! not just a reader and then continue...Love this day!!!


  1. It happens! It's great to meet new people. Happy reading!

  2. I'm having the same problem! I think that's part of the fun of the read a thon though!

    Good luck and Happy Reading!

    Colette~Team Shelley

  3. I hope you're enjoying your books and the readathon festivities! Happy reading!

  4. Thank you ALL for these great comments! You've made my week...Thank you for taking the time to stop by.
