Thursday, February 25, 2010

I confess I have read...

Rachel from Home Girl's Book Blog has just taken over J.Kay's blog( let me tell you she's already doing a great job. She has asked bloggers to write about a book that makes you feel ashamed or embarassed to admit to others that you have read. First of all I can say I enjoyed very much Debbie Macomber's first book in the Blossom Street series...But after that, at least to me, the books have been quite disappointing. The last one I read was Twenty Wishes over the summer and I vowed to myself I was not reading one more...As a matter of fact, as soon as I read them I gave them away...I didn't even want them on my bookshelf! Well, now I am out of the "closet" or maybe the "bookshelf"...I think that is the most or most recent "embarassment" I have had.


  1. When I was young I loved reading romance books like Danielle Steel, now I am embarrassed that used to love them, but than again I couldn't read them now...another one was Wifey by Judy Blume!

  2. I read some Maccomber several years ago..She had that series where the book titles were addresses and I thought that was just smart!
